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London Sports Psychologist for Sport Psy

Sports Psychology for the performing arts - dancers, singers, musicians...

Sports Psychologists have a lot to offer people in the performing arts, beyond the world of sport. The challenges are similar. The solutions exist too.


I have plenty of experience of working with musicians, singers, dancers and more. If you are in the performing arts, then you will know that there are many psychological components to your performance. And, if things aren't going well in your performance setting, then much of the challenge will be psychological. 

As a performer you are exposed. In practice/training people are watching, listening, evaluating your performance. You are evaluating how you are doing too. 

In front on an audience, the scrutiny is increased. So too is the importance of how you perform. The level of adrenaline. Your bodily sensations. The consequences of any errors...

Managing the occassion is very much a psychological challenge. It requires highly developed psychological skills.

Things are much more challenging, psychologically, if your performance isn't so great, or is poor. If you experience negativity, criticism, being dropped. If you become injured. If your confidence suffers a knock. If you develop performance anxiety, fear or panic attacks. 


Then you really do need some help to undertand, manage and bounce-back from the situation. Before the rot sets in. Or it will take a bit more to get you back onto your best level. 

This is exactly the kind of help that I offer performers. I can help you to become mentally stronger, better at managing difficult situations, more on top of your emotions, and more. To help you to nail your best performance when it counts.

Get in touch to book your sports psychology consultation for your performance problem - in London UK, by video call or telephone

On this page, you will learn:


Read on, or get in touch with me to book your Sports Psychology consultation appointment - remotely by video call (Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp), telephone, or in London UK

Ten ways Sports Psychology can help your performance


  1. Develop effective images and visualise your performances, to increase confidence and better respond to any unwanted performance interruptions

  2. Manage pre-performance tension and worry so you arrive at your event fresh, ready and keen to perform

  3. Address any phobic blocks to your performances

  4. Develop routines for before your performances and your down time, so you gain more control and consistency over your performances, using your mental energy wisely

  5. Better manage your emotions (stress, frustration, anger...) associated with your performances

  6. Develop robust confidence in your ability, performance and bounce-back-ability following any setbacks

  7. Set effective goals for the year, month and next practice session to shape your behaviour and focus, leading to faster improvement

  8. Become clearer about why you perform, what motivates you, setting-up practice to foster greater motivation

  9. Cope with, manage and process injuries so they do not hold you back any longer than absolutely necessary

  10. Manage periods of poor form so you return to your best

There are many other ways that sports psychology can help your performances. I list these 10 ways to give you some ideas. Maybe within this list you are seeing some ways that I as a sports psychologist can help you. Get in touch, to find out how I can help.

10 ways sports psychology can help musicians performing arts singers dancers
Dancers musicians singers nerves stress anxiety management sports psychologist

Manage your performance nerves and stress

Here's a little more detail on managing performance nerves, which are so common and limiting.


Usually, pre-performance tension builds in the hours and days before an important (to you) performance.


Your mind, diet and sleep all become affected by your rising stress.

Your frame of mind has a large bearing on how you perform and the outcome of your performance.

Your performance can be affected to a large extent by how stressed you are during the performance. By stressed, I mean:

  • How much tension you hold in your muscles. Tension will impair your movements and biomechanics – causing you move less efficiently and have an altered sense of timing - not nice nor helpful.

  • How much adrenaline is coursing through your veins: some is good, too much and this can put you out of your comfort zone, distracting you from your performance, as you wonder what on earth is going on with your body.

  • How helpful your thinking is: are you expecting things to go badly, to mess-up your performance, let yourself or others down, make a fool of yourself…? Lining yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy!


​If you wait for the big day to start managing your stress, you will almost certainly be too late to do anything productive about it - particularly if you have not developed robust stress management strategies to draw on. 

I have developed a Sport Stress Management Program it is available to download straight-away, to tackle your stress, anxiety, panic, tension….  This applies to any performance setting. The program is available to download straight-away. It addresses each of the 3 important areas:

  1. Your physical tension (with not just one, but three proven physical relaxation techniques)

  2. Your stress-related thinking

  3. Your unhelpful stress-related behaviour (what you do or don’t do)

This program is based on the stress management courses that I researched, developed and taught within the NHS. It is based on what works. You can get this all for less than £20. It comes with a no quibble, 100% money-back guarantee. That is because I know that it will help you. Go ahead and order your stress solution today.

Alternatively, if you want more tailored help for any of these areas, in London, or wherever you are by a remote consultation (Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom), then get in touch. It will be great to hear from you.

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